Sudanese-born Australian Yasmin Abdel-Magied has been denied entry to the US and deported to the UK where she is currently residing.
The broadcaster and activitst has twitted within three hours of arriving in the US, stating that she was back on a plane after being refused entry.
Ms Abdel-Magied was visiting the US for some speaking engagements in New-York. She landed in Minneapolis, on her way to New York and soon after US border agents decided to deport her.
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“They’ve taken my phone, cancelled my visa and are deporting me. Well, guess that tightening of immigration laws business is working, despite my Australian passport. We’re taking off now. What a time.” She twitted.
Ironically the first talk, that Ms Abdel-Magied was expected to do a presentation for is titled The M Word: No Country For Young Muslim Women.
The deportation appears to confirm that the US is not a country for her as young Muslim woman born in Sudan, Africa, despite travelling on her Australian passport.
The organisers of the event Ms Abdel_Magied was expected to attend have called on Us authorities to allow her entry into the country.
“We call on Customs and Border Patrol to admit her to the US so that she can take her rightful place in the urgent international conversation to take place at the festival next week.”, stated Ms Suzanne Nossel , PEN America chief executive.