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Multicultural Community Ambassadors inducted for Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games

by  Africa Media Australia

Two hundred and forty multicultural community ambassadors have now been officially welcomed into the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games (GC2018) Family.

Recent induction sessions on the Gold Coast and in Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne highlighted the importance of the Commonwealth Games in a global context and its direct benefit to Australian communities.

Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games Corporation (GOLDOC) CEO Mark Peters said multicultural community ambassadors from more than 40 Commonwealth nations and territories will help drive awareness, encourage participation and importantly generate ticket sales for 4-15 April 2018 Games.


“The multicultural community ambassadors include leaders from peak community bodies, the media industry, those with social media influence and sport and community festival groups from across Queensland, Victoria and New South Wales.

“The program will also help draw attention to international sporting favourites such as Athletics, Badminton, Basketball, Boxing, Hockey, Para-Powerlifting, Rugby Sevens, Squash, Table Tennis, Weightlifting and Wrestling,” Mr Peters said.




GC2018 multicultural community ambassador Robert Mukombozi said he was proud to see the program engaging local communities and helping drive community participation and celebration of next year’s Games.

“The African Commonwealth communities have a proud legacy in the Commonwealth Games and we look forward to seeing our best athletes live in Queensland,” said Mr Mukombozi.

A key component of the multicultural community program is the development of the GC2018 Fan Club.

GOLDOC CEO Mark Peters said the fan club will provide culturally relevant Commonwealth Games information to fans through dedicated regional e-newsletters and various digital and event-based opportunities.

“GC2018 will be the largest sporting event Australia will see this decade and the biggest sporting spectacular the Gold Coast has ever seen.

“A key component in delivering these Games is to ensure communities across Queensland and Australia feel part of the experience leading up to, during and after the event,” he said.

The Commonwealth Games takes place every four years and 70 Commonwealth nations and territories with a combined population of 2.1 billion people will be represented by 6,600 athletes and team officials on the Gold Coast and in the event cities of Brisbane, Cairns and Townsville next April.

For more information on GC2018, please visit gc2018.com. To BUY YOUR TICKET click  here

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