Home » Leadership crisis in Melbourne’s South Sudanese community?

Leadership crisis in Melbourne’s South Sudanese community?

by  Africa Media Australia

The leadership of the South Sudanese Community in Victoria appears to be in crisis.

A group of disgruntled members of the South Sudanese Community Association in Victoria (SSAV) Inc, has convened a meeting and voted on a resolution to oust the current chairperson of the association Mr Ring Mayar, along with two other members of the executive team, including the deputy chairperson Mr Awan Kuol and the secretary general Deng Majak.


The disgruntled group has nominated a new executive team to be led by Ms Achol Marial as the new chairperson and six other officer holders, including Nyuol Garand, Kur Mayom, Anok Kon, Daniel Kuol, Victor Mayen and Ayiik Deng.  

A letter with SSAVC logo has been published on facebook stating that a vote of no confidence was passed against Mr Ring Mayar. The letter also clarifies the reasons  the vote was passed, including breach of constitution, mismanagement of office affairs, promoting division among community members and conspiracy and incitement of members with intent to cause serious harm.


source: facebook.com

AMA contacted Mr Ring Mayar over the phone this afternoon and he stated that he was aware of the meeting that took place and the ensuing communication published on facebook. Mr Mayar promised to give an interview to AMA at a later occasion and provide his official position in relation to this matter.


AMA also contacted Mr Achol Marial over the phone and she stated she was unable to comment at the time but would be able to give an interview later tonight to shed light on what has taken place. Mr Mayar has also published a letter on facebook in response to the letter previously published by   supporters of  Ms Marial, in which he denies that he and other officer holds have been ousted. 


Facebook is full of comments from community members who appear not to be very impressed with this quite untimely division in the community, at the moment when the South Sudanese community is battling an avalanche of negative media reporting in Melbourne. 


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