Home » Victoria Police open up on the last court settlement with a group of six young African-Australians

Victoria Police open up on the last court settlement with a group of six young African-Australians

by  Africa Media Australia

Chief commissioner Ken Lay has granted his first media interview since  Victoria Police agreed in February 2013 to settle a civil case over claims of racial profiling  involving African-Australian men in the Flemington area between 2005-2009 .

In this exclusive AMA interview, the top cop agreed to answer questions both from AMA as well as from Daniel Haile-Michael, the young African-Australian man who took Victoria Police to court. Perhaps this is a sign that Victoria Police wants to put this issue behind it and meet the needs and expectations of the community on this matter. 

During the 60 minutes interview, Chief Commissioner speaks about  several things and acknowledges what he calls “poor  communication” by Victoria Police in handling “Operation Molto” , which previously targeted young African males in the Flemington area. Ken Lay says the African-Australian males were targeted as “suspects”, but not because of  their race. He goes on to say  that racial profiling does not exist in  Victoria Police, but he adds that the force is genuinely interested in listening to the community and learn how to get better at discharging its duties and meet the needs of the broader Victorian community with its  diverse population groups.

This first instalment of the interview goes for 30 minutes. The second part will be published within a week on AMA’s facebook page: www.facebook.com/africamedia.australia.

AMA apologises for some slight sound problems with the interview.

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