Home » Nigerian Chess Prodigy Tunde Shatters World Record with 60-Hour Chess Marathon in Times Square

Nigerian Chess Prodigy Tunde Shatters World Record with 60-Hour Chess Marathon in Times Square

by  Africa Media Australia

Nigerian chess prodigy Tunde Onakoya has set a new benchmark in the world of chess by playing for an astonishing 60 hours non-stop in New York City’s Times Square. This incredible feat, accomplished just last week, was part of a Guinness World Record attempt, where Tunde faced off against Australian chess champion Sean Martinez. Remarkably, Tunde won every single game against Martinez, cementing his status as a formidable force in the chess world.



Tunde Onakoya playing chess at Times Square in New York


The marathon event drew the attention and support of many, including notable Nigerian celebrities. Afrobeats superstar Davido and singer Articling Gold were among those who stopped by Times Square to cheer on Tunde, adding a festive and supportive atmosphere to the event.


Although the Guinness World Record organization has yet to officially confirm Tunde’s record, a process that can take several weeks, his achievement has already earned him the title of a national hero in Nigeria. The 21-year-old’s rise to global fame began earlier this year with his viral performance at the Digital Life Design conference in Berlin. There, he stunned audiences by playing and winning simultaneous matches against ten international chess masters, showcasing his extraordinary talent and strategic prowess.


Tunde’s chess journey, however, is not just about personal glory. He is deeply committed to a cause close to his heart. Through his organization, Chess in Slums Africa, which he founded in 2018, Tunde is on a mission to transform the lives of 1,000,000 children in slum communities across the continent. By introducing them to the art and science of chess, he aims to provide these children with critical thinking skills, discipline, and new opportunities for the future.

To support Tunde’s mission and contribute to his goal of raising $1,000,000 for Chess in Slums Africa, donations can be made by visiting [chessin-slumsafrica.com](http://chessin-slumsafrica.com).




Tunde’s dedication, skill, and philanthropic efforts are not only a source of inspiration but also a testament to the transformative power of chess. His remarkable journey from a viral sensation to a record-setting champion continues to inspire millions around the world.

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