Home » The Malawian community in Melbourne celebrates 50 years of their country’s independence

The Malawian community in Melbourne celebrates 50 years of their country’s independence

by  Africa Media Australia

The Malawian community in Melbourne recently celebrated their country’s 50th independence anniversary. The event took place at Federation Square and brought together several Malawians and friends of Malawi. AMA’s cameras where there to capture this exceptional event organised by Trent Smyth, the Consul  of Malawi in Melbourne.

Malawi, formerly known as Nyasaland became independent from Britain on 6 July 2014 and two years later it became a republic within the Commonwealth of Nations. The country’s first prime minister was Dr Hastings K. Banda and soon after gaining power he declared one party, one leader, one government, and no nonsense about it.” Dr Banda subsequently increased his grip on power and became president for life. He also allowed former colonialists to retain considerable power in the country and maintained relations with the white minority government of South Africa. These controversial polices drew heavy criticism from citizens of Malawi and other African nations.

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