Home » SSI Launches NSW Multicultural Centre for Women’s and Family Safety in Western Sydney

SSI Launches NSW Multicultural Centre for Women’s and Family Safety in Western Sydney

by  Africa Media Australia

A significant milestone has been achieved with in the fight against domestic and family violence in NSW with the launch of the SSI’s NSW Multicultural Centre for Women’s and Family Safety in Western Sydney. The center was inaugurated recently and it is poised to become a vital lifeline for women and families who have been slipping through the gaps of existing support systems.


Women advocates from various communities attend the inauguration of the centre (Photo: Linked in)


Domestic and family violence is an issue that affects all communities in Australia, yet not all have equal access to support. Women from migrant and refugee backgrounds face unique barriers that often prevent them from reporting incidents of violence. These barriers include language obstacles, cultural stigma, distrust in mainstream services, financial instability, and concerns regarding visa status.

Due to these challenges, migrant and refugee women are more likely to endure unsafe situations and only seek assistance when they reach a point of crisis. The establishment of this center represents a crucial step towards addressing these disparities and ensuring that all victim-survivors, along with their children, have equitable access to support services.


The investment by the NSW Government in this initiative is warmly welcomed. By creating greater equity in the accessibility of support services, this center will strengthen the broader domestic and family violence sector. It is a nuanced response that holds the potential to deliver better outcomes for women, children, and families from migrant and refugee backgrounds.

The establishment of the SSI’s NSW Multicultural Centre for Women’s and Family Safety is a testament to the commitment of both the government and community organizations to address domestic and family violence comprehensively. The collaborative effort reflects a shared determination to create a safer and more inclusive society for all.

We extend our appreciation to the NSW Government for their support in establishing this crucial center, which will play a pivotal role in strengthening service responses for migrant and refugee women, children, and families. Together, we can work towards a future where everyone has access to the support they need to live free from violence and fear.

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