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Let me be your voice

by  Africa Media Australia

Ruffin Tshiamala is running for local council election in Balga ward, City of Stirling, Perth, WA and calls on his local community to elect him so that he can be a voice for them on the council’s decision making table. Mr Tshiamala is an Australian from a Congolese background and has been involved in many community activities from his university days and has continued to try to make a difference by bringing people together in different community settings.  “Many migrants in general and African-Australians in particular are more acquainted with federal politics but pay little attention to the local council politics, even if their day to day life is very much affected by local council’s regulations and enforcement activities”. The father of two who has lived in Australia for more than ten years wants migrants like him to be bold and dare to dream to make the community better.

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