Home » Hussein ZamZame receives recognition for promoting peace in the community

Hussein ZamZame receives recognition for promoting peace in the community

by  Africa Media Australia

Hussein Zamzame,  a journalist and community activist, is the first Eritrean to be recognised as an ambassador for peace by the Universal Peace Federation (UPF) Australia. The award was presented to him on  18 June 2016 by John Bellavance, vice president of  UP international, together with Ambassador for peace at Monash university, Dr Rick McInerheney. Three other people were awarded on the occasion, including Kamil Ebrahim,  Mr Hussen Mahamed and  Titi.



Hussein ZamZame receiving his award on 18 June 2016


The award ceremony followed a series of seminars that explored the moral, spiritual an methodological principles that can foster wellbeing and address the moral and social problems facing Australia. The UPF-led seminars took place on June 18, 2016 and were organised to provide opportunities to open a conversation on universally shared values that can be used to build social cohesion in a multicultural and multi-faith Australia. 

“I am very happy for this award, it is a recognition of my work in the community and it feels good to be recognised for the efforts that I invest in making a difference in the lives of individuals and groups alike” stated Hussein.



Group photo at the award event 


Hussein ZamZame has been involved in community development work in general and community media, specifically,  for over twenty years.  He has worked with several internationally renown media organisations including including Al Jazeera, as well as the Eritrean TV. He is currently the Program manager for  AMA Arabic and AMA awards program.

“Hussein is a great person, such a likeable fellow with an exceptional ability to connect with people and he is  availability to help anyone and always committed to a peaceful resolution of conflicts in the community. He deserve a peace award because he is indeed a peace maker”, declared Clyde Sharady, CEO of AMA, who has worked with Hussein for several years.





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