Home » Victorian MP Matthew Hilakary empowers African-Australians with a parliament visit

Victorian MP Matthew Hilakary empowers African-Australians with a parliament visit

by  Africa Media Australia

Victorian Member of Parliament Mathew Hilakary recently extended a warm invitation to a group of African Australians for an enriching visit to the state’s parliament. The tour provided participants with a firsthand experience of the inner workings of Victoria’s political landscape, culminating in the observation of Question and Session proceedings.


Members of African  communities visiting the victorian parliament with Matthew Hilakary, MP (Photo: Qinso Dube)


For many of the leaders in the group, witnessing the debates and discussions among Victoria’s lawmakers was an eye-opening experience. They recognised the significance of diverse perspectives in shaping policies that directly impact their communities. However, amid the discussions, one leader observed one crucial thing: the absence of African-Australians within the parliamentary chamber during the session.  This absence sparked a crucial conversation about representation and inclusivity in policymaking processes. Participants voiced their belief that African Australian voices deserve more than mere observation—they should be active participants in shaping the decisions that affect their lives.



From the discussion, one leader expressed a hopeful vision for the future, wishing to see greater representation of African Australians in influential spaces like the parliamentary chamber. As Mathew Hilakary MP aptly remarked, the parliamentary space belongs to all Victorians, and efforts should be made to ensure diverse representation within its halls.

The visit also raised broader questions about inspiring youth to pursue political careers in Australia. How do we cultivate a sense of empowerment and civic engagement among young people, encouraging them to aspire to positions of leadership and influence?



Education and mentorship are key factors in nurturing political ambition among youth. Providing opportunities for young individuals, particularly from underrepresented communities, to engage with political processes and learn about the workings of government can ignite their interest and ambition. Moreover, showcasing diverse role models in politics can be incredibly empowering. When young people see individuals who look like them and share similar backgrounds succeeding in political careers, it inspires them to believe that they too can make a difference.


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