Home » More African-Australian professionals graduate from the successful AAIP program

More African-Australian professionals graduate from the successful AAIP program

by  Africa Media Australia

Thirty-two African-Australians  from Melbourne and Sydney who were recruited for the NAB’s African Australian  Inclusion Program (AAIP) graduated this week. The participants are skilled individuals who are given a chance for a six months paid corporate experience e professionals. 


The widely acclaimed program is run in partnership with Jesuit Social Services with the aim of to provide participants with  meaningful work experience in Australia, enable them to immerse themselves in the Australian workplace culture and build their  professional networks.


AAIP was initiated in response to the community concern that  a lack of local experience in the Australian business sector is one of the biggest barriers that  preventing qualified African Australians with securing employment . More than  100 African Australians  have now participated in the program since its inception and approximately 90% of them have been able to  find work in NAB or beyond, in their chosen field of expertise.


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