Home » He’s gone…finally !

He’s gone…finally !

by  Africa Media Australia

After being in power for over 30 years, Zimbabwe’s president Robert Mugabe has resigned today.

The ailing, ruthless, careless and stubbornly autocratic dictator has finally bowed to pressure from the military, the parliament and the people of Zimbabwe and agreed to quit power. 
Parliament speaker Jacob Mudenda  announced that Mugabe had submitted his resignation in a letter. Immediately after citizens learning about it,they went wild and started celebrating in the city Harare and other parts of the country.


The speaker of parliament announced Mugabe’s  resignation  during a parliament seating  to impeach him, a week after military takeover .

Robert Mugabe has resigned after the army took control and requested him to peacefully resign an act he had refused vehemently till today afternoon.

On Sunday the army and some other government officials called a press conference, and together with Mugabe got set for Mugabe’ resignation statement.But he instead read another statement appealing to Zimbabweans to keep peace and promised to deal with the grievances that had led the army to take over control.


One of the Zimbabweans celebrating on the streets of Harare, Andrew Kikowe said, ”At last the old man has gone. He has been ruling the country as if it is his own property. His wife has been misusing public funds while the rest of the people lived in poverty.”

His wife, Grace Mugabe reportedly has a lot of property within Africa and other parts of the country.She is being blamed by most people in the country  for misleading her husband especially in making careless decisions that have made his regime unpopular.

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