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Do Most Afropreneurs Want To Be Rich or Successful?

by  Africa Media Australia

Recent findings from Princeton University shed light on the elusive pursuit of happiness and wealth. According to researchers, the key to contentment lies in a surprisingly modest figure: $6,000 per month (approximately). Regardless of geographical location, this amount is deemed sufficient for a fulfilling life, with satisfaction levels comparable to those of individuals with vast fortunes.



Three Afropreneurs having discussion on wealth building during the 2023 Afropreneurs Summit In Melbourne


Study, conducted across various countries, unveils a universal truth:  beyond $6000 per month, increased wealth does not equate to increased happiness. This revelation challenges conventional notions of prosperity and underscores the importance of reevaluating our pursuit of riches.

Studies in the US have also shown a common trait among successful people:  a focus on achieving success rather than accumulating wealth. Successful individuals are characterised by their commitment to continuous growth and impact within their communities. Their satisfaction derives from the journey of growth itself, which, in turn, attracts wealth. In contrast, those fixated on wealth accumulation often find themselves trapped in a perpetual chase, similar  to donkeys pursuing a carrot.


Money, as the study suggests, serves as a faithful servant but a cruel master. Those whose sole aim is to amass wealth inevitably find themselves on an endless quest, plagued by stress and disillusionment. The pursuit of wealth, it seems, is an illusion—one that fails to yield lasting happiness.

The study’s conclusion is sobering: the pinnacle of happiness achievable through monetary means peaks at $6000. Beyond this threshold, increased wealth fails to yield greater happiness—a revelation that prompts reflection on the true nature of prosperity.

Wealth building and accumulation stand as a vital objective for Africans globally, offering a pathway to alleviate the pervasive poverty gripping many African families, communities, and nations. However, amidst this pursuit, it’s crucial to acknowledge that wealth alone cannot address all societal challenges. Those dedicated to fostering economic empowerment within African communities must also prioritise a broader concept of success—one that encompasses not just personal fulfillment, but collective transformation.


This article is partly sourced from the reflections of

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