Home » African Diaspora promoting Africa’s business opportunities to international investors

African Diaspora promoting Africa’s business opportunities to international investors

by  Africa Media Australia

There is no doubt Africa is rising as a global economic power. The continent is increasingly attracting the interest of international investors from all corners of the globe. From Chinese to Arabs, Europeans and Americans, everyone wants to do business in Africa and get a piece of the cake. Africa is no longer seen as a basket case and a burden to the rest of world. It is becoming a “sexy” investment destination. Despite the recent downturn in the resources industry,there are plenty of opportunities in agriculture, technology, manufacturing, e-commerce, telecommunications, transport and many other areas of economic activity.



As Africa rises, the economic links between Australia and Africa have also continued to grow over the last decade or so. Australia now has more mining companies doing business in Africa than the whole of Europe, America and Asia combined. Asian investors are also building partnership with Australian  companies and leverage their experience and networks in investing in Africa. There is money going to Africa and plenty of it, given the potential in the continent and in the context of growth in Asia showing signs of weakness. Perhaps China’s growth may  have peaked and the only way now is down? And perhaps this means that Africa  is definitely the new China? only time will tell.




Africa Rising Australia (ARA) is platform set up to enable Africans in the Diaspora with interest in facilitating business between Africa and Australia.  It is a consultancy platform where anyone in their area of expertise can link up and partner with others to sell services and connect business operators from the two continent with opportunities. The network providers an opportunity for consultants to benefits from each other’s network and be able to reach out to more potential clients and partners. Unity creates strength for all involved.


Fred Alale, President of the Nigerian Society of Victoria speaks to AMA about the rise of Africa


The rise of entrepreneurship within African Diaspora communities in Australia over recent years has resulted in many Africans opening businesses, consultancies and getting involved in a variety business activities related to Africa. The founder of ARA has a community development motivation coupled with business and wealth creation. 



Clyde Sharady, ARA CEO says : “I see the need to help consolidate some of the business energy that is bubbling up within African-Australian communities and create links for collaboration in common areas of interest, provide business information and training that will  ultimately equip more Africans to be able to facilitate an increased flow of capital between the two continents”.

African-Australians who are interested business either as business owners or business consultants/agents are encouraged to join ARA. “It’s a great avenue for everyone to leverage their skills, knowledge and cultural insights and networks in both continents to facilitate from Australia to Africa and Vice-Versa” stated Clyde Sharady.




“Africans every where have a lot of energy. Whether it is in Australia or in Africa communities are very vibrant and people have a hunger to do things, they create charities to help others, they put together all sorts of things and increasingly more are getting into business” stated Clyde Sharady.

In Africa many small and medium business owners are developing their businesses in difficult conditions. They know their trade and they see the opportunities, but they often  have to deal with different challenges and obtaining finance to expand their successful business is one of the main challenges in most African countries. In the meantime, Australian and Asian investors have money and they are seeking good opportunities to invest  it, but they are not always sure where to start and what is required to succeed in business in Africa.

“Australia has the money, Africa has the resources and opportunities, Africans in Australia have plenty of energy and skills, ARA comes as a platform to try to bring all these things together and help create wealth for all individuals and communities concerned”.



To contact ARA and register as a member, visit www.africarisingaustralia and join on the website or simply  email:info@africarisingaustralia.com. Membership fee applies, generally $120 per year but currently discounted to $60 per year till 1 April 2016.   


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