Kot Monoah is the chairperson of the South Sudanese Community of Victoria Inc. This young lawyer is very actively involved in his community and passionate about making a difference for his people and contributing to a more harmonious multicultural Australia. In a telephone interview with AMA’s Clyde Sharady, he laments the violence recently perpetrated by some section of the South Sudanese youth group in Melbourne.
Kot Monoah points out that whilst the Moomba brawl involved both South Sudanese and young Islanders, but the media has only mostly focussed on his community and tried to portray Apex, the gang behind the violent incident, as an exclusively South Sudanese group even though this is not the case. Kot is very critical of the way the media reported this incident and believes that his community is a victim of some sort of “media racial profiling”. Kot Monoah invites politicians, community leaders and service providers to do more and help address the underlying causes of youth violence in his community and beyond.
To register for the conference- click on the above link
Kot Monoah will be making a presentation at the upcoming conference on Migration, Media and Integration/social inclusion Conference to take place on May 31st -1st June 2016 in Melbourne. He will be speaking about the way his community is being affected by media misrepresentations, the negative impacts caused by such portrayals and what needs to be done to help improve things in this area. To register for the conference click here
Click on the video to listen to the interview (apology for the sound that is less than perfect).