Home » Haileluel Gebreselassie presents the ATT’s african leadership program

Haileluel Gebreselassie presents the ATT’s african leadership program

by  Africa Media Australia

Haileluel Gebresesallie, the CEO of AFrican Think Tank (ATT), a peak body for african community organisations in Victoria talks about the African Leadership Development Program (ALDP). The program is now on its third round and is reported to be very successful. Many participants of the previous two rounds from across the Victorian African-Australian community are reported to hold  a very positive view of what they have been able get from the program. The ATT’s ALD was initiated by Haileluel and last  year it received funding from the Victorian government, a promise made by the Ted Baillieu (then candidate) in the lead to the last Victorian parliament elections. This is indeed something to crow about and in a very australian way we can only say “good on you” ATT!!!!

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