Home » Africa Day Australia Forum in Melbourne Highlights Property Market and Cybersecurity Insights

Africa Day Australia Forum in Melbourne Highlights Property Market and Cybersecurity Insights

by  Africa Media Australia

Africa Day Australia recently organised a forum in Melbourne which brought together experts and community members to discuss two critical topics: the property market and cybersecurity. The event featured valuable insights from industry professionals, including Leonie Akhidenor, Modupe Oyekanmi, and Wadzanai (Wadzi) Nenzou.

The forum provided a comprehensive overview of the current property market trends, offering essential negotiation tips for purchasing a home and highlighting common pitfalls to avoid. These insights are particularly timely given the rising concerns over mortgage stress affecting many individuals.


Africa Day Melbourne first community forum in 2024 (Photo: Linked in/ Qiniso Tube)



On the cybersecurity front, the forum addressed the growing list of online scams. Wadzanai (Wadzi) Nenzou equipped attendees with practical tools and knowledge to protect themselves in an increasingly digital world. As cyber threats continue to evolve, such information is crucial for safeguarding personal and financial data.



Despite the importance of these topics, there is often a tendency to overlook the value of attending informative sessions like this. Statistics reveal that many people face mortgage stress or fall victim to investment scams, underscoring the need for continuous education and awareness.

The Africa Day Australia forum serves as a reminder of the importance of staying informed and proactive in managing both property investments and digital security.

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