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More money to boost sport involvement for disadvantaged kids in Queensland

by  Africa Media Australia

More sport participation vouchers for Queensland kids

The Queensland government will offer a further $500,000 to help Queensland children kick-start their involvement in organised sport or recreation activities through the re-opening of Round 9 of the popular Get Started Vouchers program.

Minister for Sport Mick de Brenni said the high demand for the $150 Get Started Vouchers this year had led to a further boost in funding for the program.

Kids playing soccer (Photo- google.com)

“We boosted the program last month and watched those vouchers fly out the door with a record 36,000 vouchers already allocated in the current round of funding,” Mr de Brenni said. We have increased the budget for this round to help get as many young Queenslanders as possible to take advantage of these vouchers”. 

Mr de Brenni said the Get Started Vouchers program aims to help Queensland children whose families can least afford the costs associated with joining a sport or recreation club.

The vouchers provide up to $150 to help eligible children cover the cost of membership or participation fees at their local sport or recreation club. The program is designed to encourage and support all Queenslanders, especially those who can least afford it, to incorporate physical activity into their daily routine.

“The vouchers are issued on a ‘first come, first served’ basis, so I urge eligible families not to delay their applications”, stated Mr de Brenni.

More than 4,160 clubs across Queensland are registered for the Get Started Vouchers program, ensuring there is a huge range of activities on offer. The Get Started Vouchers is one of four funding programs from the Queensland government that make up Get in the Game, which has provided over $100 million in investment so far to support grassroots sport and recreation.

For more information on how to apply for Get Started Vouchers, visit https://www.qld.gov.au/recreation/sports/funding/getinthegame/


C. Sharady

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