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Donations & Payments

by  Africa Media Australia



To make a donation or a payment to Africa Media Australia, please enter the amount you want to pay in the black box below (e.g.: $10 or $50) and then click the button below. You will be redirected to Paypal website and be able to use your own Paypal account to complete the payment. 

Enter amount Here: $ AUD 


 Africa Media Australia (AMA)Ltd  is a not for profit organisation. It is registered as a company limited by guarantee. We are both a media company and an advocacy group. Our focus is to provide a voice and a platform to Australians of African origin to tell their stories and promote a more positive image of the African person in Australia and globally.
On this page you will find information to make a donation to AMA or or pay for services requested or rendered through Paypal. If you prefer doing an online transfer or making a direct bank deposit, please use the following details: Our Bank: ANZ – Account number: 453960717 and BSB: 013035
Your donations help us meet the cost of the services we provide to the community.