Home » Nominations are now open for VACA 2014

Nominations are now open for VACA 2014

by  Africa Media Australia

Nominations are now open for the Victorian African Community Awards (VACA)  2014 ( from 1 August 2014 to 1 October 2014). The awards night will take place on Saturday 25 October 2014.

VACA seeks to highlight the varioius contributions of African-Australians in the state of Victoria. The awards also seek to showcase positive achievements within African-Australian communities and provide role models for the youth.

This year the focus is on professional excellence, as many more Africans are holding professional jobs and making a significant contribution to the economy of the state of Victoria and the broader Australian society through professional occupations. VACA 2014 is also linked to a mentorship and networking program to help young people and junior professionals to do better in their career.

Everyone is invited to nominate people in the community who are making a difference in the lives of others or  those who are doing well or have achieved great success in their professional/career journey. A cross-community panel  convene in early October 2014 to assess the nominations and vote on the awards.

Nominations can be entered through Africa Media Australia’s website by clicking the following link https://africamediaaustralia.com.au/?page_id=2812 . For more more frequent updates on VACA 2014, like AMA’s facebook p age: facebook.com/africamedia.australia.

Seats for the spectacular award night by visiting eventbrite.com.au through the following  link : http://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/victorian-african-community-awards-vaca-2014-tickets-12948373935?aff=es2&rank=1.

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