Home » More compensation for Victorian households with solar panels on their rooftops

More compensation for Victorian households with solar panels on their rooftops

by  Africa Media Australia

Victorian solar households will receive more money for the power they provide to the grid thanks to ground-breaking changes announced  by the Victorian government last week. 

Solar households are set to receive a minimum feed-in tariff rate of 11.3 cents per kilowatt hour compared to the current five cents for selling excess electricity back into the grid.


Happy African home owner and solar energy user


Around 130,000 solar households will benefit from the changes. Solar customers on the current minimum feed-in tariff rate will move onto the new tariff rate as set by Victoria’s independent regulator the Essential Services Commission (ESC), from July 1 this year.

“With this new feed-in tariff, the Andrews Labor Government is ensuring that households with solar panels are more fairly compensated for the power they send back into the grid”, stated  Lilly D’Ambrosio,  Victorian Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate change.

The new tariff follows recent changes by government to the current feed-in tariff legislation,to better reflect the true energy value of the electricity supplied to the grid. The revised minimum feed-in tariff rate flows from the major findings of the Essential Services Commission’s Final Report into the Energy Value of Distribution Generation, which was tabled in Parliament in September last year.

The government says that the new tariff recognises the environmental and social value of energy provided to the grid.


Alex Nyembo





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