Home » Daniel Andrews comes to the rescue of asylum seekers in Victoria

Daniel Andrews comes to the rescue of asylum seekers in Victoria

by  Africa Media Australia

The Victorian government  has just announced that it will provide urgent support for more than 100 asylum seekers in Victoria, in response to the federal government’s decision to cut off their housing and income support.

Under changes brought in by the federal government, around 400 asylum seekers living in Australia for medical treatment will be transferred to final departure visas, and expelled from Australia. This will see them stripped of all income and housing support and the direct consequences of this decision is that these asylum seekers may become homeless and have no income for food  and other necessities for up to six months before they are eventually  forced to leave the country.



A package of  $600,000 of urgent support from the Victorian government will help  cover accommodation costs, cover costs of basic life necessities such as food, clothes, myki cards and medicines. The funds also cover cost for Case workers for those who need additional support. The government says that the funding will be immediately available and the Victorian government will work with a number of community organisations to deliver the package.


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