Watch Chimamanda talk about the “The danger of a single story” . This young Nigerian writer warns us how “impressionable and vulnerable we all are in the face of a story” and if that story is the only one we hear, then we fall victim to a limited view of the world. For too long the portrayal of Africa and Africans in western media has been limited to a single story (a mixture of wild life, tribal culture and catastrophes in the african continent) as if these are the only things that define the lives andentity of Africans and the realities of a whole continent (that is often talked about as one single country). Chimanda put things so eloquently. She inspires africans and warns westerners. AMA (Africa Media Australia) is proud to be part of the efforts by Africans all around the world to bring about a different and positive story of people of African descent and the African continent to the rest of the world, using the most accessible medium of this day and age, the internet. (Source of the Video: Ted talks)
Chimamanda Adichie: this young woman needs to be heard (a must watch)
written by Africa Media Australia