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AYI works in the community to transform young lives

by  Africa Media Australia

In a powerful testament to the potential for change and redemption, a 21-year-old participant shared his heartfelt resolution: “2023 I was in lock up; in 2024, I don’t want to do the same things anymore. I came to this camp to be back around the Church because I haven’t been back to Church in years.”

These words are from a participant at a recent community event with a focus on young people. The African Youth Initiative (AYI) recently  joined forces with youth-led social Men’s Group and the Faithful Coalition  to facilitate their (annual) Summer Camp 2024, which aims to help  young boys and men, fostering personal growth, connection, and a renewed sense of purpose.


                                                                    FC Summer Camp 2024 particiapnts 

This transformative experience provided an opportunity for change, with 46 young boys and men eagerly embracing the challenge“, stated Robiel Abraham, one of the leaders and co=founders of African Youth Initiative

The camp’s success lies in its ability to reconnect participants, particularly those from the South Sudanese and East African community, with their religion, culture, and roots. It equips them with the tools needed to effect positive change in their lives while fostering stronger connections with their families, community, and the wider society“,  Robiel added.

The African Youth Initiative (AYI) is a not-for-profit organisation formed in response to the disengagement of African youth growing up in the western suburbs of Melbourne. Through role-modelling and a range of initiatives, we aim to reconnect African youth to their communities and empower them to be positive contributors to society. Our mission, vision and values are expressed below:

The Ayi has organised and continues to host different events that go beyond a mere gathering of the youth. They want to use events as  catalysts for personal transformation by reintroducing young men to their religious and cultural foundations and empowers them to navigate life’s challenges and make positive choices. An event like the recent summer camp helps in many ways to foster a sense of unity  among the participants, enabling them to bond and grow together, and equipping them to learn to break down barriers and build bridges. The participants may come from different backgrounds, but the  transformative power of shared experiences and a collective commitment to change  helps two connect and grow together.

AYI founders are determined to get communities to focus on investing  in the well-being and development of the youth, because the positive outcomes from such endeavours create impact that extends far beyond the individual participants, creating a ripple effect that reaches families, communities, and society at large.


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