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by  Africa Media Australia

Poem by Kumbi Mukaro- Published on 1 January 2016



Happiness is not what I do 
Happiness is not what I have 
Happiness is not what’s happening around me
Happiness is not what I feel 
Happiness is not what I see 
Happiness isn’t even what I create

All these are but a mirage of a heart in journey 

Happiness is what I am from this queenly soul that whispers my troubles to dust in the middle of the darkest night

Happiness is what I am
in the still before and after everything is done

Happiness is what I am
Love, let me bear that 
Let me bear to hold that depth of peace right here, right now in this kingdom: in this perfect magnificence of divinity

I am the very nature substance of the immutable golden dust of joy.
With open heart …
Sing me of the still