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A peace conference unlike others.

by  Africa Media Australia

On September 19th, the “Conference for the Implementation of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War” was held by Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL) in Seoul, South Korea.

Approximately 1,000 guests from 130 countries, consisting of not only State leaders, such as former presidents and prime ministers as well as current ministers, but also experts in the field of international law, UN officials, religious leaders and international press members, took part in the conference.




During his keynote speech, HWPL Chairman Man Hee Lee proclaimed, “The Declaration that we drafted is a new legal framework that can bring about the cessation of war and world peace. Prime ministers and chief justices together with the National Assembly of each nation must acknowledge the value and principles of the DPCW and propel and support the development process of the DPCW. If we do it, it is possible. If we don’t do it, it won’t happen,” repeatedly reminding all the people in governmental affairs and legal experts of the significance of the legislation of the law for peace.
IWPG Chairwoman Nam Hee Kim said, “We ask the chiefs of state, judges and the United Nations to work together for advocacy of the international law for cessation of war. Also, we ask ministers of states to give the message of peace and work with governments to advocate and implement the international law. People from all walks of life are working for peace; organizations and schools are providing peace education and women and youth are taking the lead in protecting themselves. When the public voice in advocacy of the adoption of the international law becomes greater, the power of peace transcending national interest will also be greater. Your actions today will be an exemplary model of respect for future generations and become the everlasting light recorded in heaven.”



AMA’s Hussein ZamZame at the conference in Korea


Speakers representing various sectors of the audience, such as governments, civil organizations, youth, women and religions, presented their roles as well as concrete action plans to develop the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW) and implement it as an enforceable law. It provided a platform for participants to reaffirm their responsibilities to advocate for the DPCW, thus bringing about peace and cessation of war.


On the 17th, experts in the fields of politics, religions, law and civil society, according to their sectors, participated in sessions, a total of 8 different forums, and proceeded to discuss practical approaches to implement the international law compatible with the DPCW proclaimed on March 14th. They arrived at efficient means to support the document utilizing various methods.

On the 18th, the outdoor event at Jamsil Olympic Main Stadium deeply touched all in attendance through the entrance ceremony, which colorfully portrayed diverse and traditional cultures of Korea and the world, and the card section performance ‘War and Peace’, performed by 11,440 youths. This outdoor peace event demonstrated to the world the exemplary culture of peace and presented opportunities to experience such culture.
The ‘Conference for the Implementation of Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War’ walked through the overall progress made during the 2nd Annual Commemoration of the September 18th WARP Summit. Everything drawn from each session is expected to yield a practical result through international peace networks and support formed during the Summit.


Hussein ZamZame

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