Home » A new book about social change is getting the African community in Melbourne very excited

A new book about social change is getting the African community in Melbourne very excited

by  Africa Media Australia

From personal reflection to Collective reflection, this is the title of a new book published by the French-Cameroonian engineer, Adriana Bito, a passionate social activist who wants to bring about social change for disadvantaged groups. The book combines her personal reflection and professional experience, as a Continuous  Improvement Engineer. It provides a toolkit to help achieve positive social change, modelling scientific concepts used by major corporations to achieve continuous improvement of their products and their organisations.



Adrianna recently launched the book in Melbourne and several community members from different backgrounds attended the event and were very excited about the publication.  

In this interview, Adrianna talks about what led her to write the book, the things that she is passionate about and what she hopes to be able to achieve through the book and the coaching program that is linked to it.



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