Home » A genius “Fake” Kenyan Lawyer Wins 26 Cases Before Being Arrested

A genius “Fake” Kenyan Lawyer Wins 26 Cases Before Being Arrested

by  Africa Media Australia

In a shocking turn of events, Brian Mwenda, an untrained Kenyan lawyer, managed to win 26 cases before his arrest. Despite lacking formal legal education, Mwenda, armed with a criminology degree from Chuka University, Kenya, portrayed himself as a legitimate lawyer.


Mwenda maintained his innocence, claiming his actions were driven by a desire to assist impoverished Kenyans who could not afford legal fees. This narrative resonated with many, casting him as a folk hero of sorts, despite the legal and ethical implications of his actions.



As of now, Mwenda is a free man, leaving many to ponder the complexities of his unconventional journey and its broader implications on the legal system.

Following his release on bail, there have been no official updates from Kenyan authorities regarding his status. However, rumors suggest that Mwenda represented himself in court and allegedly won his case. Other sources claim that his case remains unresolved since 2023.




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