Mr Ken Lay AO APM has today been sworn in as the 14th Lieutenant-Governor of Victoria by Her Excellency the Honourable Linda Dessau AC, Governor of Victoria, at a ceremony at Government House
” Ken Lay is a highly respected and valued community leader in Victoria, with a deep commitment to improving people’s lives. I know he’ll be an excellent Lieutenant-Governor and I look forward to continuing our positive working relationship as he takes on this new role”, stated Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews
Mr Lay is an eminent Victorian with a distinguished career in public service, including as Chief Commissioner of Victoria Police from 2011 to 2015.
His professional achievements include establishing the Family Violence Command within Victoria Police, alongside his Chairmanship of the Council of Australian Governments Advisory Panel on Reducing Violence Against Women and the Prime Minister’s National Ice Taskforce.
The Governor appoints the Lieutenant-Governor under section 6A(2) of the Constitution Act 1975 on the advice of the Premier. The Lieutenant-Governor assumes the administration of Victoria if there is a temporary vacancy in the office of the Governor, the Governor of Victoria has assumed the administration of the Commonwealth in the absence of the Governor General or if the Governor is not in Victoria or is unable or unwilling to fulfil the role, for example due to illness.
Mr Lay replaces the Honourable Marilyn Warren AC, who has been Lieutenant-Governor of Victoria since April 2006 and has recently retired as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Victoria – the first woman to hold that office.
Ms Warren has served as Lieutenant-Governor for 11 years under three Governors of Victoria; Professor the Honourable David de Kretser AC, the Honourable Alex Chernov AC QC and the current Governor, the Honourable Linda Dessau AC.