Home » South Australian government to provide more funding for vulnerable communities

South Australian government to provide more funding for vulnerable communities

by  Africa Media Australia

The South Australian government is providing $1 million for vulnerable  community groups. Grants of between $10,000 and $100,000 are available for projects under the Fund My Community program, which aims at supporting disadvantaged, isolated or vulnerable South Australians to participate in their local communities and build foundations for positive change in their lives.

“Fund My Community gives every South Australian an opportunity to influence where state government funding should be directed”, stated Zoe Bettison, Minister for Communities and Social Inclusion Zoe Bettison.


Community leaders in Adelaide (photo Joseph Masika)


Non-profit, incorporated organisations can apply for the program and the government says that the focus for 2017 is on ‘Connect, Grow, Build, Belong’.

Once all applications are received, the government will ask the public to vote for the projects they think should receive a share of the funding. The approach seeks to involve citizens in government decision making and the SA government believes it will ultimately have a greater impact on the community.

The Fund My Community is a  grant program for one-off projects aimed at improving the wellbeing of low income families and the long term unemployed, young people disengaged from education and work, people with a disability or chronic health issue, people living in communities with entrenched locational disadvantage people affected by domestic or family violence or abuse and people experiencing discrimination.

Applications close on 31 March and the public can vote online from 17 April until 29 May.

Eligibility criteria and the types of projects that can be funded are available at http://yoursay.sa.gov.au/fmc_rounds/fund-my-community-2017.


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