AMA is open for business. We provide a platform to enable anyone to offer goods and services to African communities in Australia and in the African continent. our AMA business section has been created for this purpose.
If you sell African food, arts, clothing, beauty products or if you offer services that may be of interest to members of the African community in Australia and in Africa, we can help you.
If you are looking for specific African products in Australia of if you want to import Australian goods to sell in Africa, we can help you
If you are looking for investment opportunities or business partners in Africa or in Australia, we can help you.
We are proud to say that through our combined platforms (website, Facebook page, You tube, direct email and newsletter) we are able to reach approximately 20,000 people every month in Australia and another $10,000 overseas (Africa, USA and Europe). The good thing is that you can work with us without having to pay for advertisement fees and still be able to reach thousands of people. Contact us to ask us how.
Email us on or SMS 0437724469 and we can arrange a chat or appointment to talk business with you.