Home » Black is more than just beautiful

Black is more than just beautiful

by  Africa Media Australia

The word ‘black” is often associated with many bad things such as  black sheep, black mail or black magic. The language we use and the words we chose to communicate every day do affect people’s psychology and the motivation and perpetuate narratives that can have grave consequences in the lives of many individuals.  Black people around the world need to be actively engaged in changing the narrative about what it means to be black. The following poem was  written  by an African person to reflect on the achievement of black people:


“The richest person in the history of the earth was Mansa Musa from Mali (Black).

The greatest pop musician was Michael Jackson (Black).

The greatest footballer was Pele (Black).

The greatest boxer was Muhammed Ali (Black).

The greatest and richest golfer is Tiger Woods (Black).

The greatest female tennis player is Serena Williams (Black).

The greatest hip hop artist was 2Pac (Black).

The greatest activists were Malcom X and Martin Luther King Jr (Blacks).

The greatest Reggae artist was Bob Marley (Black).

The most educated president was Robert Mugabe (Black).

The greatest President in the world was Nelson Madela (black).

The man who successfully directly the USA Space shuttle to the moon was called “Arineitwe,” a Ugandan born {mukiga} & (Black).

The greatest Surgeon in the world is Ben Carson (Black).

The next big person is YOU!
Stop thinking white people are superior to us. Black people are not the most superior in this world either! Start discovering the superiority in you….

-Wake Up Africans !”


Author unknown | source: facebook

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